Display DHCP-relay Statistics for Option 82

Display DHCP-relay statistics for all interfaces to manage network performance.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > IP.
  2. Select DHCP-Relay.
  3. Select the Option 82 Stats tab.

Option 82 Stats Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Option 82 Stats tab.




Shows the name of the interface on which you enabled option 82. Shows the port number if the interface is a brouter port or the VLAN number if the interface is a VLAN.


Shows the IP address configured as the relay on this interface. This address is either the IP of the physical interface or the IP of the VRRP address.


Shows the number of packets that the interface received that already had option82 in them.


Shows the number of packets the interface dropped because of option 82–related issues. These reasons could be that the packet was received from an untrusted source or spoofing was detected. To determine the cause of the drop, you must enable trace on level 170.


Shows the value inserted in the packets as the circuit ID. The value is the index of the interface.


Shows how many packets (requests from client to server) the circuit ID was inserted for that interface.

If you expect this value to increase but it does not, and the interface does not drop a packet, it is possible the packet does not have enough space to insert the option. You must enable trace on level 170 to determine the cause.


Shows how many packets (replies from server to client) the circuit id was removed for that interface.


Shows the value inserted in the packets as the remote ID. The value is the MAC address of the interface.


Shows how many packets (requests from client to server) the remote ID was inserted for that interface.

If you expect this value to increase but it does not, and the interface does not drop a packet, it is possible the packet does not have enough space to insert the option. You must enable trace on level 170 to determine the cause.


Shows how many packets (replies from server to client) the remote ID was removed for that interface.